VSCode Extensions Madness

1 minute read

The other day was looking at my vscode extensions and was thinking on how to get a list of my extensions, and when started doing my research and realized I was late to the party (everybody already doing this)

Coincidentally today Kent C Dodds in his DevTips with Kent today video, at the beginning he explained how he does it

here is the reference to the code in the video. One thing to be noted is if you try to run that code on windows will get the following error:

    Quokka 'Untitled-1.js' (node: v11.6.0)​​​​
    ​​write EPIPE​​
        at ​​​afterWriteDispatched​​​ ​internal/stream_base_commons.js:125​
        at ​​​writeGeneric​​​ ​internal/stream_base_commons.js:117​
        at ​​​Socket._writeGeneric​​​ ​net.js:720​
        at ​​​Socket._write​​​ ​net.js:732​
        at ​​​doWrite​​​ ​_stream_writable.js:415​``
        at ​​​writeOrBuffer​​​ ​_stream_writable.js:399​
        at ​​​Socket.Writable.write​​​ ​_stream_writable.js:299​
        at ​​​Object.<anonymous>​​​ ​quokka.js:14:0​
    ​​spawn pbcopy ENOENT​​
        at ​​​Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit​​​ ​internal/child_process.js:246​
        at ​​​onErrorNT​​​ ​internal/child_process.js:421​
        at ​​​process.internalTickCallback​​​ ​internal/process/next_tick.js:72​
    ​​<Buffer >

and it is because this pbcopy parameter in the const proc = spawn('pbcopy') line only works for MAC OS, just change it to clip if you are in Windows and problem solved.

That generates and unordered list with the direct link of each extension, great for documentation.

But maybe you need a little bit more than just documentation, maybe something like a file with some instructions to run it in another pc or share it with some friend and there a command line script could help. Of course vscode allows extension management via UI but also have command line options to do that, and that could be handy if you want to install vscode via maybe cmd or poweshell, even via chocolatey Found this script after a quick search on google and want to share it

This is a linux command, so if you are in windows you can use wsl. This was the result in my case:

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